The School Board and administration have long taken a practical and cost-effective approach to making facility improvements. We have a history of respecting the needs of our property taxpayers. Since 2013, Cal-Wheat’s total tax levy rate has declined by more than 15%. It’s now at $11.76 per $1,000 of assessed property value. On Tuesday, our community will consider a $7.5 million bond referendum that would support improvement projects at the elementary school and high school. An approved bond would have an estimated tax impact of $2.70 per year on every $1,000 of taxable property value. For a home worth $150,000, this would amount to an increase of $14.55 per month (or $174.59 annually). If the measure fails to receive voter approval of at least 60%, the earliest that a new proposal could be brought to voters would be November 2025. Delaying these projects would likely lead to higher project costs in the future. Learn more about the bond referendum and the ways it would support our schools and students:
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
bond referndum tuesday november 5 2024 an approved bond measure would provide our students with more resources
Please call to help us plan seating and lunch preparation Veterans Day Program Guest Speaker: Ray "Bubba" Sorensen Founder of the Freedom Rock ( Monday, November 11th at 10:00am Activity Center, Wheatland RSVP to the school at 563-374-1292
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Veterans Day information
The oldest portions of our schools in Calamus and Wheatland date back to 1950, which means our students and staff face challenges every day due to the age and condition of these facilities. The last major work performed at the high school was nearly 20 years ago. The challenges that exist at the campus include: ➡️ No secure entry ➡️ An outdated Ag building that is not connected to the school ➡️ Poor circulation throughout the building ➡️ Small classrooms ➡️ Deteriorating floors ➡️ Windows that leak and lack screens ➡️ Crowded stairwells and hallways ➡️ Lack of resource space On Tuesday, voters in the Calamus-Wheatland Community School District will consider a $7.5 million bond referendum that would allow us to move forward with improvement projects at our schools in both communities. Learn more:
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
bond referendum tuesday november 5 2024
The Calamus Wheatland Drama Department presents: Your'e a Good Man, Charlie Brown Fri, Nov 8th and Sat, Nov 9th with shows at 7:00pm $7 Adults and $5 Students Fine Arts Boosters Meal on Friday starting at 5:30pm High School gym and commons #gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
the calamus wheatland drama department is proud to present you're a good man, charlie brown (revised) friday, nov 8 7:00pm Saturday Nov 9 7:00pm show tickets adults $7 students $5 fine arts booster meal friday at 5:30pm
CW student engineers built catapults that were designed to toss pumpkins during Mrs. Forret's science classes. #gocalwheat #gowarriors
4 months ago, Lori Forret
The Calamus Wheatland Drama Department presents: Your'e a Good Man, Charlie Brown Fri, Nov 8th and Sat, Nov 9th with shows at 7:00pm $7 Adults and $5 Students Fine Arts Boosters Meal on Friday starting at 5:30pm High School gym and commons #gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Charlie Brown the musical F riday, November 8, Saturday, November 9 shows at 7:00 PM adults five dollar students five dollars
Halloween at the elementary!#gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Celebrating Halloween in the WELC.#gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Happy Halloween! 8th grade Social Studies students recently completed a reenactment of the Salem Witch Trials as part of their unit about colonial America. #gowarriors
4 months ago, Tom VanBlaricome
Mrs. Luepker's Foundations of Business students have been learning about different business models. They researched and created their own subscription boxes along with models to show what they would look like.
4 months ago, Calamus-Wheatland CSD
student sub box
sub box students
Mrs. Alden's 6th graders made Halloween lava lamps in science.#gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
All elementary families, Pk-6th grade, were provided with a food boxes at conferences this week. Thank you to St. Paul's Church in Wheatland for making this possible. #Warriorstrong
4 months ago, Ashley Kelting
St. Paul's
St. Paul's
St. Paul's
The Class of 2025 served a luncheon for the secondary teachers today, which served as a fundraiser for their senior trip. Thank you for giving the teachers an easy lunch option, Seniors!
4 months ago, Bethany Seedorff
Class of 2025 meal workers- Abby Bretschneider, Sarah Forret, Kaiser Sands, Brayden Svejda, Logan Riedesel, John Riedesel, Lillie Crossen
Elementary Halloween Reminders!
4 months ago, Ashley Kelting
Halloween Reminder
Good luck to our Volleyball Team tonight as they take on Holy Trinity Catholic Tonight at West Liberty for a trip to the State Tournament! Ticket Link: Livestream: Just a few reminders for our fans attending the game tonight (Per IGHSAU) - No chants or cheers directed at opponents - No use of noisemakers, face paint, props, signs, or banners. - No disrespectful conduct or negative comments towards officials and players
4 months ago, CWSD
Clean out your pantries! The HS Student Council will be picking up cans and non-perishable goods tomorrow after 12:30, to benefit the Carroll Assistance Center! Please place any items for donation by your front door for students to find. #gowarriors
4 months ago, Tom VanBlaricome
Parents of elementary students, when you go to your conferences today or tomorrow FCCLA will provide child care to CW students in the elementary library.
4 months ago, Savanna Bachus
Child care will be provided for parents during conferences at the elementary only
College Biology genetic diversity and data collection: Each student has five chicks of different breeds and will gather data on: feed & water inputs, waste outputs & monitor weight . After 3 weeks the students then share data and compile charts showing differences. #gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
🏐💙🩶Volleyball REGIONAL FINAL!! 🗓️ Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 30 📍 7:00pm at West Liberty vs Holy Trinity 🎟️ 🔗 #gocalwheat #gowarriors
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
Registered voters can now cast an absentee ballot in person at their county auditor’s office. This option will remain available until Monday, November 4. Voting is available weekdays during regular business hours and a valid ID is required. ➡️For Clinton County residents, the auditor’s office is located at 1900 N. 3rd St., in Clinton. ➡️For those who reside in Scott County, voting is available at 600 W. 4th St., in Davenport. A $7.5 million bond referendum for Calamus-Wheatland CSD will be on the ballot. If it’s approved, these funds would address facility needs in both our communities and provide more resources for students. Learn more:
4 months ago, Calamus Wheatland CSD
early voting register voters can cast ab absentee ballot in person at their county auditor's office