Thank you to our Warriors for putting on a great spring play - Breaking News! #gowarriors

Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 12, 2025 is a scheduled 12:30pm early dismissal for staff professional development.

Do you like green eggs and ham? Preschool enjoying tasting green eggs and graphing their results.

Please join us beforehand for a maid rite dinner hosted by the fine arts boosters. The meal starts at 5:30 and comes with chips, water/coffee, and a dessert for $5.
The fine arts boosters will also be offering small gift gestures you can purchase for our CW Fine Arts Stars!

Spring Conferences are scheduled for March 18th and March 20th. Please remember to sign up for your conference on JMC by Friday, March 7th. It's important to choose one day and one time to meet with your child's homeroom teacher or advisor.

Mindy Wriedt, from Farm Credit Services of America, was the Junior Achievement volunteer for Mrs. Bielenberg's 2nd grade class.#gowarriors

Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5702160

This upcoming Saturday, March 8th
A night of Jazz and dessert
HS jazz band and solo/ensemble performances
Dessert prepared by FCCLA
Doors open at 6:30pm, music starts at 7:00pm
Admission - $5.00 includes one drink and dessert (addt'l available for purchase) #gocalwheat

Due to unstable weather conditions, Calamus-Wheatland will be closed today, Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Warrior Early Learning Center will be open as usual. Stay safe! Teachers should check their emails.#gowarriors

7th grade science students designed and created cars that would move using magnetic forces. They did a great job using their creativity!

The Elementary Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for March 17 - 24 and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/calamuswheatlandelementary

Spring Conferences are scheduled for March 18th and March 20th. Please remember to sign up for your conference on JMC by Friday, March 7th. It’s important to choose one day and one time to meet with your child's homeroom teacher or advisor.

Each Friday, a career speaker shares their knowledge with interested 7th-12th graders. Thanks to Brad Nielsen, President of Iowa American Water Company, and Cameron Nelson (see previous post) for sharing their knowledge, passions, and pathways with our students.

The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Iowa State Patrol and Governor’s School Safety Bureau are hosting an active shooter training this upcoming weekend, March 8-9th, at the Calamus Wheatland Elementary school. This training is for local law enforcement, local fire and EMS agencies. This training is hands-on scenario-based training. Please be aware there may be emergency vehicles at the elementary this weekend for this training. Please contact the elementary office with any questions., 563-246-2222.

Last week, Cameron Nelson, a 2023 Cal-Wheat graduate, returned to the high school to be our career speaker. She shared about her experiences in culinary arts. #gowarriors. If you're interested in being a career speaker, please reach out to Erica Will at erica.will@cal-wheat.net.

A cat in the hat day in the 3's room!.#gowarriors

Below is a link to Mr. Knoche's video in regard to tomorrow's PPEL election:
If this doesn't load on Facebook, it will on Twitter. Or, you can go to the district website at www.cal-wheat..k12.ia.us to view.

We are only a few days away from this year’s spring play! Come out and support this hardworking cast! It will be a night full of laughs!
Please join us beforehand for a maid rite dinner hosted by the fine arts boosters. The meal starts at 5:30 and comes with chips, water/coffee, and a dessert for $5.
The fine arts boosters will also be offering small gift gestures you can purchase for our CW Fine Arts Stars!

Congratulations to Ali Fisher, Ms. Ziengenfuss and Lena Hines on advancing to Individual State Speech!!
On Saturday, March 15th Ali will perform in Poetry and Lena will perform in Radio News with hopes of being selected to the All-State speech performance.

Thank you to our Warrior musicians for sharing their talents last week! #gowarriors