Celebrating National Custodian Day today!!!
Thank you Jay, Greg, August (not pictured), Mark and David for all you do for our students and staff!!
💙💙 Your Warrior family
The Hawaiian themed JH Dance was a success on Friday night with 7th grader Brynlee Letcher being voted best outfit! Thank you to the JH Student Council for putting on the event, our HS helpers for assisting, and to Mrs. Forret, Mrs. Gray and Mr. V for chaperoning.
Inspiring 7th grade science students to become design engineers by figuring out what modifications make paper airplanes fly farther.
Biology students had fun learning how their senses of sight and smell have an affect on taste and flavor of various foods.
Oct. 27th, 4:30-6:30pm
Join Calamus Wheatland, Central DeWitt & Northeast HS culinary students as they prepare a homemade feast featuring great locally-sourced food.
Tickets: $15 & must be purchased in advance at CW, CD or NE HS offices. Limited number of tickets available.
REMINDER:Genesis VNA will be visiting the Elementary to offer free flu vaccines to students in grades BK-5 on Wednesday, October 12th. Please click the link for more info: https://bit.ly/3KH1ICn If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Danika at dsawyer@cal-wheat.net
Remember Tetris? Ms. Kjergaard's Algebra 1 students used problem solving skills to fill in random shapes and designs.
We are now on Insta!!!
Follow us on Instagram @calamuswheatlandcsd
Volleyball 9/27/22
If you attend tonight's home JH volleyball matches & are planning on attending the FS/JV/Varsity matches, you can pay $5 admission via cash or the punch card at the JH game & receive the hand stamp for the Activity Center admission.
Becoming a substitute teacher has never been easier! Sign up for the Iowa Substitute Teaching Authorization Self-Paced Course today. Click the link below for information on this great opportunity to impact our students.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21 is a 12:30pm scheduled early dismissal for our Warriors.
Reminder that the 1st quarter mid-term is this Friday, September 23rd.
Student Athletes: Reminder that the Casey's cards fundraiser is due next Monday, September 26th. Please get as many sold and the money turned in to be eligible for the prizes.
The 7th grade STEM class continues to build their bridges.
The 7th grade STEM class continues to build their bridges.
CW FFA apparel store closes on Wednesday September 21st!
Get yours today!
Warrior Weekly Preview 9/19-9/24. Get out and support the Warriors!
Mrs. Luepker's Accounting Class took today's Financial Statement lesson outside. They sorted slips with account titles (including amounts) into 3 piles according to which statement the information went on. Then they sketched out the statements using sidewalk chalk.
7th grade STEM kids are designing and building bridges. They enjoyed a visit from the Assistant County Engineer who talked about his education at Iowa State and his career as a civil engineer. He also shared some information about the bridges in Clinton County.
FFA Alumni sponsored Fall Mum Sale starts today at 3:30 p.m.! Stop by the greenhouse to check it out!
9/14- 3:30 - 7 p.m.
9/15- 3:30 - 6 p.m.
9/16- TBD (based on inventory)
Coaching opportunities to impact our Warrior student-athletes.
(JH girls basketball will start in October).