Today's JH boys'/girls' track meet at Durant is cancelled. Also no JH track practice after school.

Congratulations to Hunter Rickels on joining the basketball 1,000 point club. It is plaque official now!!

Thank you @VarsityGroupDSM for the window graphics for our Activity Center. The window graphics look great!!

Way to be a Warrior, Addy!!

Mrs. Forret's class celebrated DNA Day yesterday. DNA Day is celebrated because of the importance of identifying the shape of DNA back in 1953 and also for the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. These students have been learning all year long about the vital role DNA plays in so many parts of their lives. They might all have different DNA in their cells, but they all have Warrior blood running through their veins!

A few more DNA day photos from Mrs. Forret's class (see next post)

Good luck to these Warriors running at the Drake Relays tomorrow!! Ray in the open 100 and Hunter, Chase, Ray and Tyler in the Distance Medley. This is the first Warrior relay to ever qualify for Drake!!! #gowarriors

Linda McCann, author of Prisoners of War in Iowa, was guest speaker today at the Activity Center. Thank you, Linda! Her next appearance is at the DeWitt Library on Monday, April 29 @ 3 p.m. She will be in Clarence later that evening.

It is that time of year again...
See attached for summer ticket taking dates for baseball and softball home games. Please call the high school office to help out and sign-up for one or more dates. We greatly appreciate your help for your/our students.