(Returning students forms are now completed via the online registration process)

2024-2025 School Registration Information letter

Preschool-12th Grade Fees and Lunch Prices

Student Information Form
(one for each student that new to the district OR any changes - address, phone, email, etc.)(students enrolled last year can update their forms at registration)

General Information Health Form
(for each Preschool and EL-12th grade student)

Required for students in the following grades BEFORE the FIRST DAY of SCHOOL:

Kindergarten: Immunizations-4 yr old boosters: DTAP, Polio, MMR & Varicella, Vision Screening (regular check-up documentation to submit), Dental screening (documentation within the last 12 months-see form below)

3rd Grade: Vision screening (regular check-up documentation to submit)

7th Grade: Tdap booster and Meningococcal vaccination on or after 10th birthday

9th Grade: Dental screening (documentation within the last 12 months) see form below

12th Grade: Two doses of meningococcal vaccine or one dose if the first dose was received at 16 years or older.

Internet Permission Form
(Needs to be completed for all students new to the district)

Google Apps for Education Permission Form
(Needs to be completed for 3rd - 8th grade students)

Dental Form
(for all Preschoolers, new Kindergartners, 9th graders and new students from out of state)

Home Language Survey and Student Race and Ethnicity Reporting Forms
(for all Kindergarten and New Students) 

District Letter/Migrant Parent Spanish version

District Letter/Migrant Parent English version

Migrant Education Program informational flyer

Click the above link for "Migrant Parent/School Forms." Choose the appropriate language. This survey is to be completed by all new families in our district.

Preschool - 12th Grade School Yearbook Order Form

Applying for Free and Reduced Price School Meals School Meal Programs Eligibility

2024-2025 Iowa Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals/Milk (print, fill out and return
( please print landscape format)

How to Apply for Free and Reduced Priced School Meals/Milk

2024-2025 Information Letter for Free and Reduced Priced Meal Application

2022-23 Notice of USDA no longer offering free meals

Fines, Fees, Charges Board Policy #506.2 (information only)
Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures Board Policy #506.2R1 (information only)

The Calamus Wheatland Community School District adopted the following policy to ensure school district students, families, and employees have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. Meal Charges Board Policy Code No. 701.5


Parent Permission Form
(For all students Preschool & BK-6th grade new to the district.
Permission would be given via JMC online registration for returning students).


Laptop Policy Use Forms:
Laptop agreement form and Acknowledgement form
(For all students in grades 7 and those students new to the district this school year, one Agreement Form per family and one Acknowledgement Form per student)

Interscholastic Participation
Students participating in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading and dance, and their parents/guardians,
must sign the concussion acknowledgement form on the Bound registration portal. Bound website
Students cannot practice or compete in those activities until this form is signed via the Bound website.
A current athletics physical must be on file and UPLOADED to the Bound website and is valid for ONE YEAR from the date of the physical.
Athletics Physical Form and Concussion Form (REQUIRED annually after July 1st - on Bound website)

Parent Permission Form
(For all students grades 7-12 new to the district.
Permission would be given via JMC online registration for returning students).