
All applicants must print, complete and return the following background check forms to Kayla Martens at kmartens@cal-wheat.net:

Employee's Authorization Release

State of Iowa Criminal History Request Form

State of Iowa Waiver Agreement (fingerprint cards only) and Privacy Act Statement

DHS Authorization for Release of Child and Dependent Adult Abuse Information

Follow this link to the AEA PD training website login page:
AEA PD Online Learning System

Directions for AEA training:
AEA Learning Online document

Please feel free to contact the administrative office if you have questions. (563)-374-1292


It is an exciting time to consider a career with the Calamus Wheatland Community School District.  Join our team by viewing district open positions at this link:
Employment Opportunities

If interested in any of the positions linked above, please print and fill out this application and submit to Kayla Martens at kmartens@cal-wheat.net
Employment Application

Interested in obtaining a substitute teaching license:
Mississippi Bend AEA substitute teaching license information (how to become certified)
Copies of transcripts: BA or additional transcripts for teaching degree conferred
Substitute teachers must provide a current copy of BOEE license.

All substitute employees (teachers and support staff):
Copies of training certificates:
Mandatory Reporter: Child Abuse (renew every 3 years)
Mandatory Reporter Dependent Adult Abuse (renew every 3 years)
Blood Borne Pathogen (annually)
Right to Know (annually)
Suicide Prevention/Postvention (annually)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (annually)
Bullying Prevention (renew every 3 years)
Ethics for Educators (one time)

Elementary questions may be directed to Mrs. Ashley Kelting, Principal, at 563-246-2222 or JH/HS questions to Mrs. Andrea Howard, Principal, at 563-374-1292.