Student Technology Devices 1:1 Initiative

Laptop Computer Use Agreement and Acknowledgement Form(for all students in grades 7 and those students new to the district this school year, one Agreement Form per family and one Acknowledgement Form per student)

Google Apps for Education Permission form for students in 8th grade and younger






Getting Started on the Computer15 minute lesson to learn about what a computer is and how to use a mouse and keyboard.

Using a Mac14 minute lesson to learn how to use a Mac with an OS X operating system.

Basic Search7 minute lesson to learn about search engines.

Navigating a Website6 minute lesson to learn how to navigate a website.

Pages Support


Calamus Wheatland Community School District provides portable computing devices for students in grades PK-12. Preschool through first grades have iPads in their classrooms. Second through sixth grades have 1:1 Macbook laptops in their classrooms. Seventh through twelfth grade students have 1:1 Macbook laptops that can be taken home.

Seventh through twelfth grade students use their assigned Google Apps Education account for email, documents, spreadsheets, slides, etc. In addition, there are many apps and extensions that students use to facilitate and enhance their learning.

The devices used by the students are managed by District’s Information Technology team. This includes content filtering which is forced to each device both at school and off campus. The Calamus Wheatland Community School District is compliant with all provisions of the Child Internet Protection Act.


There are numerous quality resources for parents to start discussions about online safety and digital citizenship with their children. The District encourages parents to closely monitor their child’s online activities. Students should provide their student login credentials to all the district systems to their parents.

This is a list of excellent resources for parents and students:

Below are laws and policies that help to protect our students online when using the Google Apps for Education:


The school is required by CIPA to have technology measures and policies in place that protect students from harmful materials including those that are obscene and pornographic. This means that student email is filtered. Mail containing harmful content from inappropriate sites will be blocked.



COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under 13. By default, Google advertising is turned off for Apps for Education users. No personal student information is collected for commercial purposes. This permission form allows the school to act as an agent for parents in the collection of information within the school context. The school's use of student information is solely for education purposes.



FERPA protects the privacy of student education records and gives parents rights to review student records.

  1. Under FERPA, schools may disclose directory information (name, phone, address, grade level, etc.) but parents may request that the school not disclose this information.

  2. The school will not publish confidential education records (grades, student ID #, etc.) for public viewing on the Internet.

  3. The school may publish student work and photos for public viewing but will not publish student last names or other personally identifiable information.

  4. Parents may request that photos, names and general directory information about their children not be published.

  5. Parents have the right at any time to investigate the contents of their child's email and Apps for Education files.